Thursday, March 20, 2014

Chapter 18 Section 2

Inferior Courts

  • District courts
    • 677 judges
    • 94 different courts
    • 12 judicial districts
Secret Courts
  • Alien Terrorist Remove Court
  • FISA
District Court Jurisdiction
  • district courts do not hear cases within original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
  • hear both criminal and civil cases
  • in a criminal case the US is always the prosecutor.
  • most decisions on the federal district courts
Court of Appeals
  • 3 judge panels
  • 6-28 judges and 1 Supreme Court Justice for each district
  • most cases come from within the court of appeals district
Court of International Trade
  • federal trial court only tries civil cases that arise out of the nation's customs and other trade related laws
  • 9 judges-chief justice appointed by the President and Senate

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