Tuesday, October 15, 2013

People who made a Difference

Alice Paul
    1. Main leader of a women's rights campaign
    2. Grew up in New Jersey

Margaret  Sanger
    1. Her parents were very politically involved with women's rights
    2. She was really into birth control

    1. He was all about spiritual healing
    2. He was a peacemaker

Andrew Carnegie
     1. He was born in Scotland in 1835
     2. At the age of 13 he started working for a railroad company

Eva Peron
     1. Born May 7, 1919
     2. Born into poverty, when she was 6 her father died in a car wreck

Harriet Stowe
     1. Wrote a book that changed the view of slavery for many Americans
     2. Born on June 14, 1811

Francis Willard
     1. Best known for her passage in the 18th and 19th amendments
     2. She passed away at the age of 58

Eugene V. Debs
     1. Born on November 5, 1855
     2. Quit school at the age of 14 to work for the railroad

Betty Williams
     1. Co-founder of Community Peace People
     2. Won the Noble Peace Prize in 1976

Emmeline Pankhurst
     1. Born July 14, 1858
     2. Arrested many times for hunger strikes

Helena Rubinstein
     1. Started a cosmetic lining
     2. Established a foundation that gave out funds to organizations specializing in health, medical research, and rehabilitation

Edward Jenner
     1. Born on May 17, 1749
     2. Found the vaccine for small pox

Dolorous Huerta
     1.Elementary School teacher
     2. Fed the hungry children with food from her farm

    1. Won the noble prize in 1913
     2. In 1941, he died in his friend's mansion

Dorothy Hodgkin
     1. Born on May 12, 1910
     2. Had 3 kids and all went into educational fields

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