Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Assignment 10/22/13

1. Antifederalists
       1. Opposed the Constitution
       2. Supported by people who believed the Constitution would lead America to corruption.

2. Federalists
       1. Supported the Constitution
       2. Supported by people who believed the Constitution was required to keep America's independence and liberty safe.


3. Democrats
       1. Spread of soil systems and voting rights for all white men.
       2. Small farmers, slaveholders, and debtors

4. The Wigs
       1. Opposed to the tenets of Jacksonian democracy and supported high tariffs.
       2. Bankers, merchants, and industrialists


5. Democrats
      1. Opposed sectionalism and pushed away the nation's party politics toward the economic arena
      2. Businesses

6. Republicans
       1. Rights for African Americans
       2. Farmers, newly freed African Americans, and laborers


7. Democrats
       1. Restoring the nation's economic and social life
       2. Farmers, southerners

8. Republicans
       1. Restoring the nation's economic and social life
       2. Northerners and manufactures

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