Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment 10/29/13

1. What does the elephant stand for? (Cartoon's message)
2. What inspired this cartoon? (Subject of the Cartoon)
3. Why is the top of the boulder they pushed a picture of the top of the white house? (Subject of the Cartoon)
4. Why does the sleeve on the trooper say VOTERS? (Use of images or artistic techniques)
5. Why does his shirt say "Don't tread on me" and have a picture of a snake on it (Use of images or artistic techniques)

   1. Let your eyes "float over the cartoon.
   2. Follow the cartoon's natural flow by discovering the interaction with the primary focus.
   3. Determine the audience
   4. Understand the context of the cartoon
   5. Look for widely recognized symbols
   6. Look for mirror details in the cartoon that will contribute in the humor or the point of the cartoon

The artists uses Symbolism, Exaggeration, Analogy, Labeling, and Irony. Symbolism is used for the cartoon as a whole. Exaggeration is for the artist to say how big of a problem it is for them. Analogy is also for the picture as a whole. Labeling is used to show that the picture is not just of an old broken down school. Irony is usually the text at the bottom of the page to help the viewer understand the picture/cartoon better.

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