Tuesday, December 17, 2013

BR- 12/16/13

1. Miley Cyrus: A famous singer/actor who was my childhood idol went insane, it is very sad to see what she has turned into. This year at the awards she was pretty much naked, she released a music video where she was naked, and on her holiday song she twerked on a married guy.
2. Paul Walker: He was a fast and furious racer that was killed in a severe car crash. Walker was only 40 years old.
3. Spain Train Crash: Back in July, a high-speed crashed killing 79 people. The judge named 22 rail infrastructure company officials as suspects. 
4. Nelson Mandela: He was South Africa's first black president. He died this year at the age of 95.
5. Colorado School Shooting: Just a couple days ago, a shooting took place in Arapahoe High School leaving one 17 year old senior girl severely wounded. The shooting only lasted 20 seconds but was enough time to injure a person and take his own life.
6. Boston Bombing: During the Boston Marathon, a bombing occurred. It hurt a lot of people and sent many to the hospital.
7. Economy: Our economy is heading downhill more and more everyday. Obama is tearing this nation apart and the only thing to fix it and the only thing to save our nation is to put God back in it.
8. Government shutdown: Many people lost their pay for a couple weeks. It was all because they couldn't agree whether to pass the Obamacare or not.
9.Washington D.C. Navy Yard Shooting: This happened on the Navy Yard in D.C. It led the nation in disbelief.
10. Kenya Mall Attack: Left 67 people dead and 200 injured. This happened on September 21, 2013.

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