Sunday, September 15, 2013

Personal Response

1. By watching the 1st video, I just kept thinking to myself  "I don't know what I would do if that would have been me." It is scary, I don't blame that guy for freaking out because I would have done the same thing.

This article is talking about a woman who was in New York when the planes hit. She was on her way to her doctor's app. when it happened. Everyone was in shock and so wasn't she. She says in her story that everyone she saw was covered in dust. She was very scared and shocked which is exactly how I would have been if I would have been there too.

This was an amazing article to read. In this article, he shared his amazing story of escaping safely out of Tower 1 on 9/11. He described his experience in well detail making me feel like I was actually there, and I could imagine just what it was like. He was very lucky to get out of the building, and it was neat being able to read about his story.

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